Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014


Nachdem ich euch in den vorigen Posts immer so sehr von dem ruhigen Meer in Rhodos vorgeschwärmt habe, kommt heute ein kleiner Bericht für alle Wellen-Fans unter euch. 
In der ersten Woche zog es uns ein wenig weiter weg von unserem Hotelstrand und wir machten uns früh auf den Weg um den südlichen Teil der Insel zu erkunden. 

Nach etwa 45 - 60 Minuten kamen wir schließlich in Prasonisi, dem südlichsten Punkt von Rhodos an. Ruhiges Meer war hier weit und breit nicht zu sehen, stattdessen aber schöne Wellen, stärkerer Wind und dadurch auch viele Surfer. 
Prasonisi hat zudem einige kilometerlange Sandstrände und eine Halbinsel mit einem kleinen Berg, weshalb dieser Ort auch bei Wanderern sehr beliebt ist. 
Nach etwa 1 - 2 Stunden kleiner Strandwanderung ging es für uns auch wieder zurück in die für das Baden etwas mehr geeigneten Gegenden. Ein Besuch war Prasonisi aber definitiv wert! 

After I told you so much about the calm sea in Rhodes, it's time to write a short post for the wave-fans (you know what I mean) of my readers. 
In the first week of our holidays, we decided to discover the southern part of the island by car. 

About 45 to 60 minutes after we left the bay at our hotel we arrived in Prasonisi, the south tip of Rhodes. What we saw first was not exactly what I would call a calm, perfect for swimming sea. Waves over waves, strong wind and many surfers came together at the beach of Prasonisi. 
You can take walks on the beach for hours and hours and will meet absolutely noone. It's just amazing for the more sporty kind of people. The south tip is a peninsula with a small mountain where you can go on hiking trips that would last about 1 to 2 hours. 
After a short walk on the beach we headed back home to hotel beach to do some tanning, relaxing and swimming (again). But again, if you will ever come to Rhodes, don't forget to visit Prasonisi! 

Love, B.

Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014


Natürlich gab es in diesem Urlaub auch einen ganz besonderen Strand. Diesen einen, an den wir am Öftesten und auch am Liebsten gegangen sind. Der Strand von Charaki. 
Die Schirme konnte man wieder einmal an zwei Händen abzählen und dadurch hatten wir unglaublich viel Ruhe und sahen diesen Strand als den, an dem man am Besten enstspannen konnte. 
Etwa 5 Meter vom Strand entfernt befindet sich eine kleine Taverne mit sehr leckerem, griechischen Essen (sehr zu empfehlen ist hier der Tintenfischsalat!). Wenn man ein bisschen mehr Auswahl möchte, kann man zu dem kleinen Ortszentrum und der Strandpromenade von Charaki laufen (zu Fuß etwa 10 Minuten entfernt). Hier gibt es die typischen Strandbars, aber auch kleine traditionelle griechische Tavernen. 

Solltet ihr also einmal an der Ostküste im Süden von Rhodos sein, unbedingt vorbeischauen! 

And here it is: Our favourite beach during our holiday in Rhodes. The beach of Haraki. We went there many many times and always loved it a little bit more. 
About ten umbrellas on the whole beach allowed us to relax the whole day.
5 metres away from the beach, there is a small greek restaurant with delicious food (I can highly recommend the octopus salad!). If you like to have a larger offer, you can walk about ten minutes from the beach to the small centre and promenade of Haraki. Here you can visit the typical beach bars, but also a few traditional greek restaurants. 

So if you ever come to the south-east of Rhodes, don't forget to visit Haraki beach! 

Haraki centre


Love, B.

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014


Bräunen, frisch gepressten Orangensaft trinken, einen Snack essen und weiter bräunen war so ziemlich das was wir die meiste Zeit in unserem Urlaub gemacht haben. Rhodos bietet sich dazu aber auch wirklich an und verzaubert mit seinen wunderschönen Stränden, dem traumhaften Wetter und einem spiegelglatten Meer. 
Bei einer doch verhältnismäßig großen Insel hielt es uns selbstverständlich nicht an einem Strand in den ganzen zwei Wochen, deshalb möchte ich mit euch meinen Strand-Guide rund um die ganze Insel teilen. 

Tanning, drining fresh orange juice, eating a snack and keeping on tanning was about our everyday activity during our stay in Rhodes. The island offers a lot of beautiful beaches, amazing weather and the warm sea with small waves. 
Because Rhodes is quite big, we just couldn't be satisfied with visiting only one beach. So we drove around the island and discovered the most amazing places to stay. 


 Best place for young people to enjoy the amazing weather during summer in Rhodes. The beach is connected to a small beach bar with the most delicious orange juice (tip: you can add aloe vera to your juice. It is healthy and SO delicious!)
At the beach you listen to some chill out music from the beach bar while lying on your sunbed (8€/day - two sunbeds and one umbrella). My mum and I went there twice. There aren't many people so you can enjoy a very private and calm atmosphere to relax. I highly recommend it! 


The beach near our hotel. Also only view visitors for september and an amazing atmosphere, especially in the morning and the evening (as you might have noticed from the picture). 
On some days my mum and I went to the beach at 8 am for a morning swim and it was amazing. The water was quite warm and there were only very very small waves so it was perfect for swimming. In the evening, the sun went down behind the mountains and the light was just breathtaking. 
For two sunbeds and an umbrella at the Lindian Jewel area at Vlicha Beach you pay 8€, but you will get two bottles of cold water for free as well. 


We went there the second day and we really loved it. There are two parts of Kiotari Beach. On the left side, where we chose to go, there were only 11 umbrellas (7€/day), so again it was a very private atmosphere. On the other side the beach was a little bit longer, I would guess about 20 to 25 umbrellas were standing there. 
A special feature of Kiotari Beach is definitely the long promenade of delicious restaurants. We went to our new favourite: Pelekan's Nest
The owner of this restaurant has only few sorts of fish, meat or vegetarian dishes, but you can be sure the food is fresh and absolutely delicious! He manages the restaurant all on his own and he does it in a fantastic way. If you visit Kiotari Beach, you have got to visit him as well. 


At Limni Beach (in the south-west of Rhodes) we had to see some clouds for the first time in our holiday. The beach was the first whole sand beach we had and it was amazing. As much as I love stones on the beach, because it does not cause that much dirt on your clothes and shoes, I must say I really enjoyed walking with bare feet on the warm sand. 
You can walk there for hours, because as you can see it looks like a never-ending beach. 
You do not have to buy for an umbrella, because the weather in the south is often cloudy and the sand is quite comfy. 
The waves are a little bit higher, than in the east, but it was fine as well.


We didn't actually lay down on a sunbed or went swimming at Tsambika Beach, but we visited it on our way to Rhodes, the town. 
Tsambika is a larger beach, I would say more for younger people. There are a lot of beach bars and many possibilities for water sports or other activities. 
Even in the end of september there was quite a lot of traffic here, but one always could find some empty sunbeds. 
At Tsambika Beach it is a little bit louder (from the bars and the amount of people), but not disturbing at all. One can definitely spend their day here. 

Tatsächlich habe ich euch noch einen Strand vorenthalten - und zwar meinen absoluten Lieblingsstrand. Dieser ist so wunderbar, dass ich ihm einen Extrapost widmen muss. In zwei Tagen wisst ihr mehr ;-) 

Actually there is another beautiful BEAUTIFUL beach, but it definitely deserves its own blogpost. Stay tuned, the article about my favourite beach in Rhodes will be up on the blog in two days ;-) 

Love, B. 

Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014


Euch neidisch zu machen war eigentlich nicht das Erste, was ich tun wollte nachdem ich mich endlich aus meiner ausgiebigen Sommerpause zurückmelde. 

Neben ein paar gemütlichen Wochen zu Hause mit den liebsten Freunden und der Familie, durfte ich auch zwei Wochen meiner Semesterferien auf der wunderschönen Insel Rhodos verbringen. 
Ich war selbst schon oft in Griechenland, beziehungsweise beschränkt sich "Griechenland" auf unzählige Urlaube auf Kreta, was manche von euch vielleicht noch von letztem Jahr kennen. 

In diesem Urlaub haben meine Mama und ich im wunderschönen und sehr klein gehaltenen Hotel Lindian Jewel in Vlicha Beach Nähe Lindos gewohnt. Das Foto, das ihr oben sehen könnt habe ich am ersten Tag sofort gemacht nachdem ich meinen Koffer in unser Zimmer geschleppt hatte. Traumhaft schöne Aussicht und wunderbares Wetter. 

Da ich euch aber nicht im ersten Post gleich mit Bildern überfluten möchte, bleibt dieses heute das einzige als sogenannte "first impression". Keine Angst, ich habe viele viele weitere Posts über Rhodos für euch vorbereitet und stehe euch für Fragen, falls ihr noch ein Urlaubsziel für die nächste Reise sucht, in den Kommentaren und gerne auch per Mail zur Verfügung. 

I'm sorry guys, it really wasn't my intention to make you jealous the very first second you look at my new post after the huge summer break, but I guess I just can't avoid it. 
Besides a few calm weeks at home with my beloved friends and family I had the chance to spend two weeks of my semester holidays on the beautiful island Rhodes. 
I travelled to greece, especially (or only) to crete, many many times before and was very excited to finally see a new place of this beautiful country. 

On our holiday, my mum and I stayed at the amazing and really cute hotel Lindian Jewel in Vlicha Beach near Lindos. The picture you can see on the top was taken only seconds after I managed to get my heavy suitcase into our room on third floor. Amazing weather and such a breathtaking view. 
I will not roll you over with too much pictures, so that's why this kind of a first impression will be the only one for today. Don't worry, I prepared a lot of posts about Rhodes for you and if there are any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments or via e-mail. I would love to help you find the perfect destination for your next summer holiday. 

Love, B.


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